This interesting article highlights the uncertainty created in college admissions offices this year due to such a large number of applicants and the elimination of many early admit programs. The large number of waitlisted students is a by-product of this uncertainly. It is becoming increasingly clear that many colleges are looking at a student's demonstrated interest in a college before admitting them, as they need to admit those who are most likely to enroll rather than those who might merely be adding a school to their list as a solid option they most likely would never attend.
Many students are in the throes of making the final decision on where to send their deposit, with the added anxiety of being on waitlists elsewhere. Trying to decide if it is worth the increased uncertainty to remain on a waitlist throughout the summer can be difficult, but for many keeping their name in the running is essential. To understand your rights and responsibilities with regard to deposits and waitlists, review the Student Rights and Responsibilities in the College Admission Process provided in this link. Remember to let the colleges you have decided not to attend know this right away, as this could free up a spot for a waitlisted student.