While it was expected that Early Decision applications that require commitment by a student to attend if admitted would be down this year as a result of economic factors increasing the need by families to compare other offers before committing, this has not been the case. Inside Higher Education has recently summarized these application details at a number of colleges. As expected, applications to public institutions including the University of Washington are already up 20% this fall despite upcoming cuts.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Update on Admissions
Many private colleges continue to offer excellent financial and merit aid for students, often making the private school choice a good alternative to the public schools which are facing cutbacks. Business Week has recently published an article that highlights various schools and their approaches to recent economic pressures. Representatives for the UC and Cal State Systems and the Washington State System have made it clear that reduced enrollments and budget cuts are moving ahead.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Impact of Social Networking Sites on College Admissions
A recent survey of college admissions offices highlights the impact a student's Facebook or MySpace page can have on admissions decisions. While the percentage of admissions offices checking social networking sites is still fairly small, the numbers are growing. Admissions officers may check these sites if there is a concern or question about an applicant, and in some cases have been directed to these sites from other applicants. You should consider the ramifications of posting material that may impact your application. Read more in this recent article in the Wall Street Journal.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The University Washington Freshman Application Now Available
The University of Washington has recently posted the online application for freshman applying for the Fall of 2009. The UW offers a comprehensive review of every application, and essays are very important in this process. To preview these essay requirements, go to this link and select the "Freshmen Application Instructions" and view page 12. The UW offered admission to approximately 60% of resident applicants for the Fall of 2008.
Many students are interested in learning more about the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program, allowing students who are residents of Washington to enroll at participating college programs in other states at a reduced tuition rate. Learn more here, and make sure to explore the search tool offering a listing of programs and any GPA and/or SAT requirements.
Many students are interested in learning more about the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program, allowing students who are residents of Washington to enroll at participating college programs in other states at a reduced tuition rate. Learn more here, and make sure to explore the search tool offering a listing of programs and any GPA and/or SAT requirements.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Common Application Launches Today for 2008-2009

Summer is a great time for rising seniors to begin the college application process and avoid the fall crunch as classes start. Begin by getting a login ID and password, and continue to prepare various sections when you have time. Your information will be saved when you again log on for another session. A good place to start is with The Common Application, where students can choose from 345 colleges and submit one common form. Start by downloading and printing the application form to get familiar with what needs to be completed, and set up your list of colleges so that you can track your progress.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
More Movement on Wait Lists Still to Come
There has been an unprecedented use of wait lists by colleges this year, with more students being admitted later through the spring and possibly into the summer. Today's Wall Street Journal provides an excellent summary of the wait lists at a variety of colleges and universities.
Friday, May 9, 2008
NPR Report on Waitlists and College Admissions Today
Today NPR interviewed students and Executive Director of the National Association of College Admission Counseling, David Hawkins, with regard to the recent admissions season. In particular the uncertainly and growth of waitlists has drawn out the admissions process for many and resulted in what the NACAC Director calls "chaotic". Listen to the report or download the podcast here.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Colleges Still Accepting Applications
The results are just in from the National Association of College Admission Counseling Space Availability Survey. If you are still considering an application, you should review your options here.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
"Bloom Where You Are Planted"
"Bloom Where You Are Planted": This excellent quote from a guidance counselor at Princeton High School, reminds us that in these days of super-competitive college admissions, there are decisions made that are beyond our control, and an unexpected result can actually be a gift. Read this article to help keep the college process in perspective.
If you want to read more stories related to the college admissions process from students and their families, go to this health blog from the New York Times.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
May 1st Deposit Deadline Fast Approaching
This interesting article highlights the uncertainty created in college admissions offices this year due to such a large number of applicants and the elimination of many early admit programs. The large number of waitlisted students is a by-product of this uncertainly. It is becoming increasingly clear that many colleges are looking at a student's demonstrated interest in a college before admitting them, as they need to admit those who are most likely to enroll rather than those who might merely be adding a school to their list as a solid option they most likely would never attend.
Many students are in the throes of making the final decision on where to send their deposit, with the added anxiety of being on waitlists elsewhere. Trying to decide if it is worth the increased uncertainty to remain on a waitlist throughout the summer can be difficult, but for many keeping their name in the running is essential. To understand your rights and responsibilities with regard to deposits and waitlists, review the Student Rights and Responsibilities in the College Admission Process provided in this link. Remember to let the colleges you have decided not to attend know this right away, as this could free up a spot for a waitlisted student.
Many students are in the throes of making the final decision on where to send their deposit, with the added anxiety of being on waitlists elsewhere. Trying to decide if it is worth the increased uncertainty to remain on a waitlist throughout the summer can be difficult, but for many keeping their name in the running is essential. To understand your rights and responsibilities with regard to deposits and waitlists, review the Student Rights and Responsibilities in the College Admission Process provided in this link. Remember to let the colleges you have decided not to attend know this right away, as this could free up a spot for a waitlisted student.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Resource Update for Students with Learning Disabilities
Today's Wall Street Journal includes an excellent article for students with ADD/ADHD and their families. I am always on the lookout for positive individual profiles of those living with ADD and ADHD, and was particularly impressed with her focus on the different approaches taken by these families as their children progressed through school.
Another valuable resource that has recently been published is a DVD entitled, "College Success for Students with Learning Challenges". Monica Andrews, Ed.D. of www.reelwisdom.com has produced a valuable tool for both parents and students evaluating their college choices. College students share their stories to help others understand what they need to do to make the most of their college experience, what the differences will be between high school and college, and how to access the resources available to them. You can watch a preview here.
This website is useful for evaluating the support for students with learning disabilities at a variety of colleges by providing links to those colleges that go beyond the mandated level of support.
Another valuable resource that has recently been published is a DVD entitled, "College Success for Students with Learning Challenges". Monica Andrews, Ed.D. of www.reelwisdom.com has produced a valuable tool for both parents and students evaluating their college choices. College students share their stories to help others understand what they need to do to make the most of their college experience, what the differences will be between high school and college, and how to access the resources available to them. You can watch a preview here.
This website is useful for evaluating the support for students with learning disabilities at a variety of colleges by providing links to those colleges that go beyond the mandated level of support.
Monday, April 14, 2008
2008-2009 Standardized Test Dates Announced
The dates for the 2008-2008 ACT tests have been announced and are available online at the ACT website and on our College Calendar. Proposed dates for the SAT and Subject Tests have been announced and will be finalized by the end of Spring. These proposed dates are included on our calendar.
I suggest you determine early on in the college process which test is best for you and focus on preparing for just one. The PSAT given in October of junior year will give you an indication of where you might score on the SAT and these scores (usually available from your high school by December/January of your junior year) can be compared to a PLAN score (a pre-ACT test usually given to sophomores) or to an actual or mock ACT. Scores for the ACT and SAT can be compared using this table. For those students interested in a list of schools that do not use either test to admit substantial numbers of student can review the list here.
Both the ACT and SAT are accepted by many colleges and universities. This can be confirmed on the individual website of each college on your list. In addition, some colleges will require the SAT Subject Tests in either two or three subjects. It is best to schedule these tests at the end of the academic year in which you took the course in your high school. Here is a listing of the subjects available for these one-hour tests which are given on the same date as the SAT with the exception of the March test date. An updated calendar with subjects available in 2008-2009 will be posted in late Spring.
The SAT question of the day is a good start in getting familiar with the SAT.
I suggest you determine early on in the college process which test is best for you and focus on preparing for just one. The PSAT given in October of junior year will give you an indication of where you might score on the SAT and these scores (usually available from your high school by December/January of your junior year) can be compared to a PLAN score (a pre-ACT test usually given to sophomores) or to an actual or mock ACT. Scores for the ACT and SAT can be compared using this table. For those students interested in a list of schools that do not use either test to admit substantial numbers of student can review the list here.
Both the ACT and SAT are accepted by many colleges and universities. This can be confirmed on the individual website of each college on your list. In addition, some colleges will require the SAT Subject Tests in either two or three subjects. It is best to schedule these tests at the end of the academic year in which you took the course in your high school. Here is a listing of the subjects available for these one-hour tests which are given on the same date as the SAT with the exception of the March test date. An updated calendar with subjects available in 2008-2009 will be posted in late Spring.
The SAT question of the day is a good start in getting familiar with the SAT.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Campus Food Becomes Increasingly Important to Students
I always recommend that when students are on a campus visit, they should try and spend some time in the dining hall listening and talking to current students, checking out the bulletin boards and learning what they can about life on campus. What I inevitably hear are comments about the food. Today's students are used to a variety of food choices and place a great deal of importance on time spent together eating. This fun article in today's New York Times highlights the growing importance of the food experience as a major factor in selecting a college.
Colleges Still Accepting Applications
If you are still thinking about other options for your college career, there are still many colleges and universities accepting applications for the Fall of 2008. For students who are interested in using the Common Application, they have posted a listing of their member schools which still are accepting applications. Simply click on the form, "Requirements Grid" and the members colleges' deadlines will be displayed. In addition, you can access a listing of all colleges through this link including deadlines, as well as this resource for colleges and universities with rolling admissions.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Making the Final Decision
With the May 1st deposit deadline approaching, many students feel a new kind of pressure. In April, colleges are hosting open houses and weekends for admitted students to entice them to enroll, welcoming them to campus with open arms and lots of fanfare. The good news is that the tables are now turned and the visit has a new feel as accepted students approach campus knowing they have been admitted and that it is now up to them. After a long fall and winter, students are finally in the driver's seat.
I suggest you read this valuable article to evaluate your choices. In addition, you can use this worksheet to compare your financial awards and costs. I also suggest you consider those things that were important to you when you put your list together and go to each of the schools websites to compare these factors. For example, were you looking for a school that offered a lot of activities on campus, and clubs to join. Go to each website and find a club that looks interesting and learn more about it: does it have lots of members, meetings and activities? How about the upcoming schedule for the weekend on campus: are there interesting events? What do the housing options look like, and what required courses will you be taking as a freshman. It is better to find all of this out now, rather than when you are enrolled. While you may have investigated this early on, your preferences may have changed. Comparing these items in a clear list with your final choices can help you determine which is the best option for you.
Another helpful tool can be social networking groups like Facebook. Students can use this to share comments within a specific college group, or to discuss and/or read about other colleges between which students are deciding. Your college choices may be very similar to other students, so sharing this insight can provide a new perspective and help you learn more about those who could be fellow classmates.
I suggest you read this valuable article to evaluate your choices. In addition, you can use this worksheet to compare your financial awards and costs. I also suggest you consider those things that were important to you when you put your list together and go to each of the schools websites to compare these factors. For example, were you looking for a school that offered a lot of activities on campus, and clubs to join. Go to each website and find a club that looks interesting and learn more about it: does it have lots of members, meetings and activities? How about the upcoming schedule for the weekend on campus: are there interesting events? What do the housing options look like, and what required courses will you be taking as a freshman. It is better to find all of this out now, rather than when you are enrolled. While you may have investigated this early on, your preferences may have changed. Comparing these items in a clear list with your final choices can help you determine which is the best option for you.
Another helpful tool can be social networking groups like Facebook. Students can use this to share comments within a specific college group, or to discuss and/or read about other colleges between which students are deciding. Your college choices may be very similar to other students, so sharing this insight can provide a new perspective and help you learn more about those who could be fellow classmates.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
More on waitlists.......
The news continues to roll in on waitlists, which appear to be growing in popularity. As I mentioned yesterday, the increase at the more selective schools is being attributed to the uncertainty that has been created with fewer binding early decision schools. The Wall Street Journal today has addressed waitlists as well as the ever-popular topic of increased selectivity of colleges.
An important point to remember amid all the talk of those same super-selective 50 colleges and universities is that most colleges accept the majority of their applicants. According to a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 80 percent of students were admitted to their top-choice college in 2007, and 82 percent of colleges accepted more than half of their applicants. It is unfortunate that the hype continues to reign for the three percent of colleges that take fewer than 25 percent.
An important point to remember amid all the talk of those same super-selective 50 colleges and universities is that most colleges accept the majority of their applicants. According to a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, 80 percent of students were admitted to their top-choice college in 2007, and 82 percent of colleges accepted more than half of their applicants. It is unfortunate that the hype continues to reign for the three percent of colleges that take fewer than 25 percent.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Waitlist, Now What?
I once heard it said by an admissions dean that the wait list is being used as a "reserve army" and this year seems to be no exception. With the increase in multiple applications, and the shifting that is likely to occur when the May 1st deposit deadline rolls around, colleges and universities are hedging their bets by adding large groups of students to their waitlists. In the often-cited world of super-selective colleges, this trend continues as many of the schools which were previously binding Early Decision have now shifted to Early Action, increasing the level of uncertainly as to who will enroll, and forcing many schools to grow their waitlists. Read more in today's New York Times.
Most schools will indicate in their waitlist offer letter to students how many have been added to the waitlist and how many have been accepted in the past. While these numbers change every year, it can be a start in determining what the likelihood may be of getting off the list and enrolling. If you decide you want to throw your hat into this rather daunting ring, here are some things to consider.
Most schools will indicate in their waitlist offer letter to students how many have been added to the waitlist and how many have been accepted in the past. While these numbers change every year, it can be a start in determining what the likelihood may be of getting off the list and enrolling. If you decide you want to throw your hat into this rather daunting ring, here are some things to consider.
- Return the reply card indicating your desire to remain on the waitlist
- Students (not parents) need to keep in touch with the school, and remember persistence, not pestering, can make a difference.
- Send in writing any updated and MEANINGFUL information to the school, too many additional letters of recommendations and calls from parents can have the negative results. Updates on grades, activities and perhaps a recommendation that provides new information can be helpful.
- If the school is absolutely your top choice, let them know that if admitted, you will attend. This honest level of commitment can make a big difference at this point.
- Students coming off the waitlist are often those who can pay the full price. If you think you will need financial aid, then it is more problematic at many schools when it comes to the waitlist as most of the financial aid budget has been committed. Colleges generally first accept students who do not need aid, but if the class size is not met, then more aid may become available.
- Remember that it is out of your hands and that if the college needs more men/women/musicians/artists/athletes/scientists, etc. they can select as needed. Waitlists are rarely ordered, but rather a pool that can be drawn from as needed, and movement can be slow and often is rare.
- It is best to focus most on the colleges to which you have been accepted and the one you plan to attend, and if something happens and you hear an acceptance from the waitlist school, then that is just a pleasant surprise.
University of Washington application update
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Changes Announced for the 2008-2009 Common Application
The Common Application, one application for over 300 colleges, will be available on July 1, 2008 for students who want to get a head-start on the application process. Some changes have recently been announced including a small handful of questions that may be answered differently for different colleges within the Common Application itself, without the need to create an alternate version (and without worry that a college will see anything other than the one answer intended for it alone). Those questions are:
- academic interest
- career interest
- decision plan (RD/ED/EA/REA/Rolling)
- entry term (Fall/Spring)
- financial aid intent
The Common Application will enable colleges to "suppress" certain answers submitted by applicants. For example, a test-optional college may notify us that they intend to suppress all self-reported standardized test scores. We will then prevent the transmission of that data to that college, and students will be prominently notified that College X cannot see their self-reported scores. Those questions are:
- discipline questions
- self-reported standardized test scores
- Social Security Number
- academic interest
- career interest
- decision plan (RD/ED/EA/REA/Rolling)
- entry term (Fall/Spring)
- financial aid intent
The Common Application will enable colleges to "suppress" certain answers submitted by applicants. For example, a test-optional college may notify us that they intend to suppress all self-reported standardized test scores. We will then prevent the transmission of that data to that college, and students will be prominently notified that College X cannot see their self-reported scores. Those questions are:
- discipline questions
- self-reported standardized test scores
- Social Security Number
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Upcoming Events for Washington Students
The Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling will hold a college fair at Seattle University on Saturday, March 15th from noon to 3pm. This list of participating colleges will help you plan your visits with college representatives at the fair, as well as these tips to help make the most of any college fair.
For those students considering a gap year after high school, this event at The Northwest School in Seattle on Sunday, March 9th from 1-4pm will allow you to explore a few of the many options available to make the most of a year before college. The programs listed below will be exhibiting and will have representatives available for more information. A presentation is also included in the program. Contact Greg Cappello (gcappello@dynamy.org) for more information.
Dynamy Internship Year
City Year
ANDEO International Homestays
A frican Leadership Academy
The Woolman Semester
Bridgton Academy
Sojourns Abroad
El Casal
Student Conservation Association
The Gap- Year Advantage
Brown Ledge Gap Year
The National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
Thinking Beyond Borders
Where there be Dragons
Youth International
Carpe Diem
Rustic Pathways
Taking Off
Magic Carpet Rides
For those students considering a gap year after high school, this event at The Northwest School in Seattle on Sunday, March 9th from 1-4pm will allow you to explore a few of the many options available to make the most of a year before college. The programs listed below will be exhibiting and will have representatives available for more information. A presentation is also included in the program. Contact Greg Cappello (gcappello@dynamy.org) for more information.
Dynamy Internship Year
City Year
ANDEO International Homestays
A frican Leadership Academy
The Woolman Semester
Bridgton Academy
Sojourns Abroad
El Casal
Student Conservation Association
The Gap- Year Advantage
Brown Ledge Gap Year
The National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
Thinking Beyond Borders
Where there be Dragons
Youth International
Carpe Diem
Rustic Pathways
Taking Off
Magic Carpet Rides
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Stanford Announces the Largest Increase Ever in Financial Aid for Undergraduates
An update today from Stanford University reflects the continued changes that are taking place in financial aid programs as the cost of a private education soars, and endowments continue to grow. Public pressure has intensified to adjust financial aid programs to reflect these large endowments, and many institutions are making similar announcements.
"Stanford University today announced the largest increase in its history for its financial aid program for undergraduates.
Under the new program, parents with incomes of less than $100,000 will no longer pay tuition. Parents with incomes of less than $60,000 will not be expected to pay tuition or contribute to the costs of room, board and other expenses.
The program also eliminates the need for student loans.
Other significant enhancements have been made to the program that will benefit aid recipients at all levels of income. "
Read more details on their website.
"Stanford University today announced the largest increase in its history for its financial aid program for undergraduates.
Under the new program, parents with incomes of less than $100,000 will no longer pay tuition. Parents with incomes of less than $60,000 will not be expected to pay tuition or contribute to the costs of room, board and other expenses.
The program also eliminates the need for student loans.
Other significant enhancements have been made to the program that will benefit aid recipients at all levels of income. "
Read more details on their website.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Princeton Announces Plans for a Gap Year
Princeton University has announced that they will be offering a program to eventually send a tenth of their newly admitted students to a year of social service work in a foreign country before arriving on campus as freshmen. More colleges are seeing the value of this maturing experience, but this will be the first time it has been formalized as part of the admission process. Many admissions offices extol the value of the gap year, as they see students who have deferred for this reason arriving on campus more focused, mature and ready to study. In fact, Williams Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admission at Harvard College has posted an article on the Harvard admissions website that highlights the benefit of taking time off before college. For more reading on this topic, take a look at these articles in the Columbia Chronicle and the Harvard Crimson.
Some universities including NYU have been offering a freshman year abroad at their programs in England and Italy with much success, and students who are mature enough to take advantage of these programs have benefited greatly. In addition, many students who were initially disappointed by being offered a spring semester "late start" to freshman year tell me that it was the best thing that ever happened to them, as they arrived with more direction, focus and enthusiasm.
Some universities including NYU have been offering a freshman year abroad at their programs in England and Italy with much success, and students who are mature enough to take advantage of these programs have benefited greatly. In addition, many students who were initially disappointed by being offered a spring semester "late start" to freshman year tell me that it was the best thing that ever happened to them, as they arrived with more direction, focus and enthusiasm.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Update from the University of Washington Admissions Office

A recent update from the admissions office at the UW included these notes: The UW Seattle received nearly 20,000 freshman applications for autumn quarter 2008, a 12% increase over last year. The freshman class for this coming autumn will also increase in size. Last year approximately 5,300 freshmen students enrolled. This year the plan is to enroll 5,500. So, while the applicant pool is larger, the class will also be larger.
While some students have already heard about their UW Seattle admission status, most will not hear until the end of March or, if more time is needed to complete the assessments of all these applications, early April.
The College Visit
Touring the engineering facilities at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts
Planning college visits can be complicated, but with some pre-planning you can make the most of what should be a valuable and fun process. Make sure that your list of schools is balanced, with visits to schools that are more solid as well as those in your stretch category. A common mistake families make is to visit schools that are all in the stretch category, but it is equally important to get to know those schools which will be a great fit and also more likely to accept you. Another tool to help plan your trip is our new beta version of CollegeLocations.com, an interactive map of colleges where you can see where colleges are in relation to each other.
Tours and information sessions are usually offered twice a day during weekdays, but it is important to check the college's "visit us" page to make sure they are available the day you are visiting. Check the admissions page for each school and see if pre-registration is required for either the tour or information session.
Many families ask if visiting two colleges in one day is too much, but this depends on the proximity and also the depth to which a student wants to go on the visit. Some families arrive on a campus where they intended to spend a full day, only to have the student decide instantly that they do not even want to get out of the car. This is a sure sign that it should be off the list. Flexibility is an absolute must; don't waste time if the student cannot imagine himself/herself at the school.
Spring is an ideal time to visit most colleges as students will be on campus and you can get a much better feel for the college. Your best resource is often a student from your high school who is attending that college, so make sure to ask your counselor if there are students you can contact at the college. They will be a great source of more candid information. College admissions offices can also give you names of current students from your area who might be willing to meet with you during your visit. Try going beyond the standard programs and consider doing the following:
- Eat at the dining facility (some colleges will give vouchers to families for a free lunch)
- Read the bulletin boards and pick up a student newspaper
- Try to see a dorm that you didn't see on the tour
- Schedule an interview if the admission office is willing to do this
- Wander around the campus by yourself
- Ask a student why he/she chose this college
- Browse in the college bookstore
- Listen to students to hear what they are talking--or complaining--about
- Ask a student what he/she likes/does not like about the college
- Walk or drive around the community surrounding the campus
- Ask a student what he/she does on weekends
The Common Application Adds More Members
The Common Application recently announced the admission of 23 new members (8 of which are public institutions, identified by *) to the Common Application membership association for next year. This brings the total membership to 339 (25 of which are public institutions) for the 2008-2009 academic year. The new members:
• Canisius College (NY)
• Culver-Stockton College (MO)*
• Curry College (MA)
• Hamline University (MN)
• Hood College (MD)
• Illinois College (IL)
• Immaculata University (PA)
• Lees-McRae College (NC)
• Loyola Marymount University (CA)
• Lycoming College (PA)
• Lynn University (FL)
• St. Edwards University (TX)
• State University of New York, College of Oneonta (NY)*
• Stony Brook University (NY)*
• SUNY Cortland (NY)*
• SUNY Fredonia (NY)*
• SUNY New Paltz (NY)*
• University of Chicago (IL)
• University of Massachusetts Boston (MA)*
• University of Maine at Machias (ME)*
• University of Notre Dame (IN)
• University of Virginia (VA)*
• Wentworth Institute of Technology (MA)
• Canisius College (NY)
• Culver-Stockton College (MO)*
• Curry College (MA)
• Hamline University (MN)
• Hood College (MD)
• Illinois College (IL)
• Immaculata University (PA)
• Lees-McRae College (NC)
• Loyola Marymount University (CA)
• Lycoming College (PA)
• Lynn University (FL)
• St. Edwards University (TX)
• State University of New York, College of Oneonta (NY)*
• Stony Brook University (NY)*
• SUNY Cortland (NY)*
• SUNY Fredonia (NY)*
• SUNY New Paltz (NY)*
• University of Chicago (IL)
• University of Massachusetts Boston (MA)*
• University of Maine at Machias (ME)*
• University of Notre Dame (IN)
• University of Virginia (VA)*
• Wentworth Institute of Technology (MA)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Choosing a College
For those of you who are in the process of building your college lists, read this helpful article to help you narrow your choices. Finding a college that provides a well-structured program to help students find direction to their lives and also offers a plan to help them achieve that goal is becoming increasingly important as more students graduate without a clear focus, and return home.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Coming Soon!

Welcome to The Benchmark Blog
I will be using this blog to keep you up-to-date between newsletters--especially while I'm traveling to colleges. Important updates, articles of interest and notes from my college tours and college representative visits to my office will be added to help you stay current on college admissions.
p.s.: Here's another photo from Hamilton College--their outdoor center. It's quite a beautiful campus!
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