Thursday, April 17, 2008

Resource Update for Students with Learning Disabilities

Today's Wall Street Journal includes an excellent article for students with ADD/ADHD and their families. I am always on the lookout for positive individual profiles of those living with ADD and ADHD, and was particularly impressed with her focus on the different approaches taken by these families as their children progressed through school.

Another valuable resource that has recently been published is a DVD entitled, "College Success for Students with Learning Challenges". Monica Andrews, Ed.D. of has produced a valuable tool for both parents and students evaluating their college choices. College students share their stories to help others understand what they need to do to make the most of their college experience, what the differences will be between high school and college, and how to access the resources available to them. You can watch a preview here.

This website is useful for evaluating the support for students with learning disabilities at a variety of colleges by providing links to those colleges that go beyond the mandated level of support.